Royal Tunbridge Wells
Philatelic Society
formed in 1945

GB Stamp Day
The ABPS through its Chair, Graham Winters, is promoting the idea of a GB Stamp Day to be held on the 6 May each year. The first consideration is to persuade Royal Mail to produce a stamp(s) commemorating something very British and at the same time each Philatelic Society is being asked to dedicate a meeting during May 2018 to highlight the idea of a National Stamp Day.
The Society has been asked to send Graham a list of subjects Royal Mail should consider for inclusion in this project. You can help by making suggestions to be forwarded for inclusion, so far the following have been suggested:
1832 William Webb Ellis invents the game of Rugby
1895 Rugby League founded
1995 Rugby Union turns professional
1966 England World Cup winners
2003 England Rugby World Cup Winners
London Olympic Games, 1908, 1948, 2012
1871 Rugby Football Union founded
1922 Wembley Stadium opened
1923 First FA Cup final at Wembley
1971 Campaign for Real Ale (Camra) founded
1857 Sheffield FC, Worlds oldest football club founded
1951 First National Park - Peak District
2000 Countryside and Rights of Way Act
Plenty of ideas? Fill in the form below and they will be delivered to Neil Ritchie who's collecting the suggestions